Pre-Conference Trainings
Click here to register for a pre-conference training!
Our 2021 virtual COD Conference will offer three pre-conference trainings on October 3, 2021 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm or 4:00 pm.
These sessions will run concurrently, so please only register for one training. Live attendance is mandatory for credit to be earned.
To register for a pre-conference training and the general conference, please select General Registration on the registration page. you will have the opportunity to add your pre-conference selection to your cart.
Already registered? You can login here to add a pre-conference meeting to your registration.
To register for a pre-conference training ONLY, select the Pre-conference training Only option on the registration page and select your training.
Should you need more than one of these trainings for certification or re-certification, you may contact DBHR or the NWATTC regarding other opportunities in the Washington State area.
Pre-Conference Ethics Training
4 CEHs
Sunday, October 3, 2021
9:00am – 2:00pm: Chemical Dependency Professionals (4 CEHs)
(1 Hour Lunch)
$30 fee; 100 max; first-come, first-served, must be registered in advance
Location: Online webinar
Speaker: Judy Holman
Participants will be emailed a certificate for four (4) hours by the close of the training week. Certificates will NOT be mailed.
The workshop will cover the Counselor’s Code of Ethics, laws governing counseling and ethical decision-making, the ethical decision process and involve participant discussion.
Pre-Conference Suicide Risk Assessment, Prevention, Intervention and Management Training
6 CEHs
Sunday, October 3, 2021
9:00am – 4:00pm (1 Hour Lunch)
$30 additional fee; 100 max; first-come, first-served, must be registered in advance to attend
Location: Online Webinar
Speakers: Jim Pinnell and Paul Nagle-McNaughton
Participants will be emailed a certificate for six (6) hours by the close of the training week. Certificates will NOT be mailed.
This course will review risk and protective factors for suicide including discussing populations at high risk for suicide. Risk factors specific to clients engaged in behavioral health treatment services will receive special attention. Assessment skills for determining overall risk versus imminent risk for suicide will be presented. Participants will learn to recognize potential risk signs and signals, as well as access clinical and natural referral resources to promote recovery. Safety planning and other clinical interventions to reduce risk will also be discussed. Opportunities will be provided for interactive discussions, small group dialog, role plays and skills practice. This training meets Washington State requirements for 6 hours of training for behavioral health clinicians.
Pre-Conference Trauma-Informed Supervision Training
6 CEHs
Sunday, October 3, 2021
10:00am – 4:30pm (30 Minute Lunch)
$30 additional fee; 100 max; first-come, first-served, must be registered in advance to attend
Location: Online Webinar
Speaker: Ann Marie Roepke, Ph.D., sponsored by the Northwest ATTC
Participants will be emailed a certificate for six (6) hours by the close of the training week. Certificates will NOT be mailed.
The majority of adults have experienced at least one traumatic event in life, and trauma exposure is even more prevalent among some populations including people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and Veterans. Individuals working in social service roles not only carry their own personal history of trauma exposure, but also frequently experience secondary/vicarious trauma exposure in the course of their work. Traumatic experiences (whether primary or secondary) can have a range of impacts on the mind, brain, body, and relationships. Trauma can steal our sense of safety, trust, connection, hope, control, and peace of mind. And all of these difficulties can impact our ability to function effectively, sustainably, and happily in our work as social service providers. Trauma-informed supervision can help. Trauma-informed supervision (TIS) is a supportive, relationship-based supervision style that involves knowledge of the effects of trauma, core skills of supervision, and the five key precepts of trauma-informed care: safety, trust, choice, collaboration, and empowerment.
In this one-day training, we will explore what trauma is; how stress and trauma impact our brains, our minds, and our lives; how these trauma-related difficulties can impact supervisees’ ability to function well in their professional roles; and how supervisors can help by skillfully integrating foundational competencies of supervision with foundational competencies of trauma-informed care. Training participants will have the opportunity to learn in a variety of ways, including lecture, demonstrations, discussions, and experiential learning and roleplay activities designed to offer an understanding of the basics of trauma-informed supervision.