About the Conference
Who should attend the conference?
Professionals from behavioral health, developmental disabilities, adult and youth corrections, and physical health come together to share current information on COD and treatment. The COD & Treatment Conference is open to everyone interested in behavioral health, developmental disabilities, adult and youth corrections, and physical health.
Are there continuing education hours available?
Continuing Education Hours are finalized each year and will be posted to the website. Stay tuned for more!
Is exhibitor space available?
Exhibitor space is available to for-profit and non-profit entities.
Save the Date
Save the Date info is coming soon to our conference listserv!
Join our Email Listserv
To join the conference listserv, please contact us at contactus@wacodtx.org to get signed up.
For questions regarding the website, registration, accommodations, exhibiting/sponsorship and other general logistics, please contact Conference Services Group, College of Business, UNR.
Conference Services Group, College of Business, University of Nevada-Reno
Email: contactus@wacodtx.org
Phone: (775) 682-9103
For questions regarding the agenda and/or program content, consumer scholarships, or award nominations, please contact DSHS.
Rose Hillock, Conference Chair
Email: rose.hillock@hca.wa.gov
Committee Members
Hillock, Rose (HCA) rose.hillock@hca.wa.gov
Byrnes, Janet L (DSHS/BHA/ESH) janet.byrnes@dshs.wa.gov
Diaz, Phillip (DSHS/DDA) jesse.diaz@dshs.wa.gov
Dick, Gina L (DOH) gina.dick@doh.wa.gov
Donnie Goodman dgoodman@seattleymca.org
Dura, Amy (HCA) amy.dura@hca.wa.gov
Holmes, Brandi D (DOH) brandi.holmes@doh.wa.gov
Judy Holman judyh@hcc.net
Martin, Amy amy.martin@tmbho.org
Osborne, Eric L (HCA) eric.osborne@hca.wa.gov
Pine, Sarah (HCA Contractor) sarah.pine@hca.wa.gov
Ries, Richard rries@u.washington.edu
Ross, Jennifer M (DOH) jennifer.ross@doh.wa.gov
Stacey Devenney sdeven@uw.edu
Weed, Lora (HCA) lora.weed@hca.wa.gov
DeGallier, Meghan (HCA) meghan.degallier@hca.wa.gov
Waldron, Roxane (HCA) roxane.waldron@hca.wa.gov
Laura Cooley lcooley1@uw.edu