Craig Peterson, Author, Adopting Faith: A Father’s Unconditional Love, Speaker Accompanied by Michael Peterson and Andrew Peterson
Biological brothers Michael and Andrew Peterson have proven the skeptics wrong time and time again.
Born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, they lived in foster care for four long years before being adopted. Although learning was never easy, they tried their best. Upon joining Special Olympics, they found a niche.
With the support of their father Craig Peterson, Andrew developed into an accomplished distance runner and Michael a sprinter. Between them, they’ve won over 50 gold medals.
Both joined the Special Olympics Athlete Leadership Program. Andrew has since addressed 50,000 Indiana high school students about respect. Michael has sung the national anthem at numerous events, including the Summer Games opening ceremonies.
Along the way, their father has been their number one fan and advocate – while serving as a PTA president, Special Olympics coach and frequent blogger about raising children with special needs. His EACH Child is Special blog on Facebook is seen by thousands each week.
Last year Andrew was a finalist to appear on the cover of Runner’s World magazine. He was also named The Arc of Indiana’s Self-Advocate of the Year and the Special Olympics Indiana Athlete of the Year.
Andrew and Michael are strong self-advocates. They’ve addressed education majors at IUPUI and the University of Indianapolis.
Now 21 and 22 years old, both young men continue to impress people with their confidence and gifts.
Keynote Presentation:
Called to Make a Difference: One Person at a Time
In the human services field, relationships are paramount. But in a bureaucratic organization, can a single person make a difference? The answer is definitely yes. In fact, the enthusiasm of one can be infectious. Get ready for Craig Peterson and his son Andrew and Michael to share their intimate stories – and leave you inspired.